"Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong."
Mission Statement
"Together, we will help our local church present every man in our
community with a credible offer of the Gospel, encourage them to pursue
God, and equip them for spiritual service i the home, church,
workplace, community, and world."
The following statements outline the purpose of Men's Ministry
1. To provide masculine Christian fellowship.
2. To inspire, teach, and equip men to become involved in
lifestyle evangelism.
3. To create opportunities for men to serve by challenging,
training, and involving them in their gifted ministries
under the leadership of their pastor.
4. To challenge men to organize and support activities for
boys through Royal Rangers.
5. To challenge men to sponsor and participate in new
church planting.
6. To organize the Men of Action ministry at the general,
conference, and local levels to reach out to the local
church, community, nation, and world in times of crisis.